Archive | April 2013


So it’s been quite a while since the interview. I’ve been on tenterhooks most days, even though I know we won’t be hearing for a while. I calmed down the last few days, and had popped home to see the family for a little bit. When I’m at home I check my phone and emails far less, and on the evening when I looked I saw the facebook had gone crackers- people had been rang if they had an offer, and emailed if they hadn’t. Heart sinking, I saw an email from Yummy Jobs and not a missed call.

It was a pretty confusing email. It sounded like an opportunity list email, though it didn’t say that anywhere explicitly.

Let me explain. So after face-to-face interviews, there are three responses. There is the straight out ‘no’, the straight out ‘yes’ where you get told the month your offer is for, or the opportunity list. The opportunity list is there so Disney is never short of people if they decide they need a few extra people, or if someone drops out or is fired- stuff like that. From all the blogs I’d read the opportunity list is not a bad position at all- it’s not a ‘no’, but just a ‘please hang on in there.’ It seems like a good 70%-80% of people on the list get a place.

A lot of fantastic people got dates, from January 2014-March 2014.  I’m happy for them, and happy I didn’t get a no.

But still. It feels like a no.

Disappointing. But certainly not hopeless. I still have a few months of uni left to occupy my time. After that, it becomes a bit more desperate to know if I’m going or not, because I have to plan….well, life really.

Watch this space………..
